As we all know, you never stop learning, which is why we also have a range of books and guides on children's health on offer. The authors are selected experts in their field and share their knowledge in these books.
Written by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP, the speech-language pathologist behind all of ARK's products, this book is an extensive reference guide explaining how, when, and where to use the Z-Vibe®, Z-Grabber®, and all of their various tip attachments.It is a 60-page, easy-to-carry, spiral-bound book with many detailed illustrations showing the placement of the tools. With a spiral binding, you can easily refer to the book during therapy exercises - no "fighting" with the pages!Topics cover how to use ARK's oral motor tools to improve oral awareness, lip movement, jaw grading and stability, tongue and jaw dissociation, tongue elevation, tongue lateralization, tongue bowl, feeding, biting and chewing, oral hygiene, and more!Book measures a compact 22 x14 cm.Written in English!
NEUROSCIENCES AND SWALLOWING REHABILITATION: FroggyMouth : an anoetic approachFor decades we treated incorrect tooth position with mechanical treatments. But these treatments can be harmful, expensive, they often relapse.
That is why in recent years, the school of thought of functional treatments has been growing and is continuing to do so. We realised that, oral dysmorphia is, most of the time, caused by oral dysfunctions. By rehabilitating these dysfunctions, we can reduce the length of mechanical treatments, and even avoid them when the patient is treated early enough.
This book presents how, in symbiosis with the progress in neurosciences made by the 2000 Nobel Prize Eric Kandel.Dr Patrick Fellus is a retired Orthodontist who performed pediatric orthodontics for more than 40 years. He is a pioneer in the use of functional treatments in Orthodontics, and after years of practice he realised that swallowing was at the heart of all oro-facial praxis. That is why he worked on the rehabilitation of swallowing and, by experimenting, he found that the lips actually play a crucial role.
In 2012, after years of thinking, he eventually completed the reunion of all his ideas in one device : the FroggyMouth.written in englishHere you can see an introduction video from Dr. Fellus
Books & PDF's
We also have several books on the subject of myofunctional disorders and the prevention of myofunctional disorders.
Experts on the topics of pacifiers, mouth breathing, tongue rest position and related areas such as dry mouth for school children write on this broad topic of orofacial myofunctional disorders.
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